25 Years experience in Wildlife Control -Animal and Squirrel Removal- No Dogs or Cats
25 Years experience in Wildlife Control -Animal and Squirrel Removal- No Dogs or Cats
...We specialize in squirrel removal,exclusion and prevention. We perform extensive inspections on your home or business to identify all possible entry points with detailed recommended solutions to solve all animal conflicts .
We perform guaranteed repairs to make your homes and businesses animal proof !
Including - gable vents,fan vent,roof vents,soffit vents,dormers,facial boards,gable ends ,holes and gaps in
walls and roof lines
We have 20yrs experience in solving animal conflicts in the Hampton Roads area and we are licensed Animal Control Specialist
Service area Suffolk-Norfolk-Hampton-Newport News- Williamsburg-Virginia beach-Chesapeake-Portsmouth-Seaford-Poquoson-Franklin
squirrel in hole trap
Fliers are crepuscular (active at night)
They live in communal groups with up to 25 individuals and have a gestation period of 40 days.
They have 1 to 6 young per litter and are omnivores and eat wide variety of foods including nuts,berries,fruits,fungi and insects like snails and caterpillars
Gray squirrels are the most common variety
They are active year round and are day time animals
and have a gestation period of 45 days with 1 to 6 young per litter.There 4 front teeth constantly grow throughout their lives. They are also omnivores eating nuts,acorns,berries,fungi,insects and bird eggs